Combine Social Media with AI

Transform your Social Media strategy

More important things to do than create videos & post to Social Media? Still want a following there? Our platform lets you compete with large businesses for a fraction of the time and cost.Effortlessly & consistantly transform your existing videos into new engaging content.Save time, stay consistant, boost your reach and captivate your audience.All early adaptors/beta users will get exclusive benefits.

Our platform helps you...

Stay Consistent

Stay Consistent

Create and maintain a consistent posting schedule. This is key to building your audience.Reccomended posting frequency:
3-5 videos per day. (Momentum is key)
Reels: 1-2 times a day. Stories: 2-4 times a day
1-2 times a day
From 1 per week to 5-15 per day
1 times a day
SoMeAI helps you create quality content with ease and keeps you consistant in your social media schedule.
Create New Videos with Feedback Loop

Create New Videos with Feedback Loop

Editing and repurposing videos is time consuming. SoMeAI takes the guesswork out and uses your data to optimise your growth.
Creates content suggestions + videos based on your content strategy
Bases your message on your target audience
Analyses your video performances and creates better videos each time with our feedback loop
Types of videos include:
Remixes of existing videos + stock footage with AI generated voiceovers
Remix videos based on spoken audio
and many more....
Automate & Streamline Your Workflow

Automate & Streamline Your Workflow

Social Media can be a massive time drain with hours spent editing only to get 200 views.
SoMeAI provides you with:
Automation - save time on editing, uploading, captioning and planning videos
Consistancy - post daily without the hassle
Review - see performance, adjust and continuously improve
Take the guesswork out and use your data effectivly with minimal effort
Benefit from Social Media

Benefit from Social Media

Having strong social media profiles is important and key to success in many businesses. It provides you with:
Attract new customers
High trust factor
Build a community
Become a market leader
Lower Paid Ad Spend

Lower Paid Ad Spend

Paid adverts are becoming more and more expensive and testing new assets wastes a lot of money
Test many variations in organic content, before moving to paid adverts
Use organic content instead of paid adverts
Organic content has a much higher trust factor and gets you more use of your content
Track Performance

Track Performance

SoMeAI not only tracks the performance of your follower growth, it also tracks how each video and each clip performs, working out what works for you
Follower analysis
Video analysis
Clip analysis
All of this is then automatically fed back into your profile when new videos are created
And Many More Benefits...

And Many More Benefits...

This is just the surface. Future plans include not just expansions on what is above, but whatever you need and want too!Take control of your Social Media and use new tools to grow your business.
Sound interesting? Sign up to our Early Access group to try today! (or sign up to hear when we fully release)Note, not all features above fully available before full launch

Frequently Asked Questions

Most other Social Media tools focus on autoposting and tracking. AI video generators (not generative) rely on generic stock videos with no aim. SoMe AI offers personalised video content creation and in-depth analysis based on your specific audience and brand. We focus on quality and relevance to ensure your content stands out.